Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nahum 1:3

Good evening!

Nahum 1:3: The LORD is slow to anger but great in power; the LORD will never leave the guilty unpunished. His path is in the whirlwind and storm, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet.

I love reading these short minor prophets' books. The Old Testament is so expressive and details how much God cares for His people. It hurts Him when He sees us turn away from Him. Yet He is still slow to anger. But don't mistake that for a lack of caring or that He is inept of taking action. He is and always will be great in power. Someone needs to hear that today! God will never leave the guilty unpunished. You may not see what is going on and it may not happen in your lifetime or on this earth. But those who have hurt you will not escape His judgment. How could one escape His path so big it is in the winds and storm? How could anyone flee from Someone so immense that the clouds are dust beneath His feet? The guilty cannot hide from the Almighty!

Now every time the wind blows my hair and I see the storms rolling in, I'll be reminded of God's great power. Every time I see the beautiful, majestic clouds being illuminated by the gorgeous sunset, I will know that God is busy punishing those who have hurt me. I don't have to dwell in the past over those hurts because God is on my side. He promises they will never go unpunished!

I hope that brings you peace today. The world is full of horrible news everyday and it is overwhelming at times. But our God is slow to anger and great in power. His path is in the whirlwind and in the storm and the clouds are the dust beneath His feet. He is in control, Hallelujah! Praise His Holy Name!

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