Thursday, August 4, 2011

Psalm 89:15

Good morning!

Psalm 89:15: Happy are the people who know the joyful shout; LORD, they walk in the light of Your presence. 

I was watching The Jesus Culture Awakening 2011 online last night and it was amazing! Hillsong was about to perform but before they came on, Sean Smith spoke to the humongous audience about a really cool story that happened to him when he first got saved. After his story, he led A LOT of people there to know Jesus for the first time and as he prayed, I realized how original he was! His words were so fresh and real, like he was speaking directly to Jesus. He started out his prayer by saying, "Jesus, BE Jesus in this place tonight!" SO cool! He then said something that really stuck with me and I've been thinking about ever since. He wanted to remind everyone that even though they were there in that awesome place surrounded by God's presence, it didn't mean anything if they didn't have God's presence in them. It's not enough to be in God's presence if God's presence is not in you. How cool is that?!

I know it must have been amazing to be in that place last night, singing and praising God. Feeling His presence move and infiltrate that place! But that awesomeness doesn't even come close to the times where I have been alone with Him and His presence was so heavy that it knocked me down! It is awesome to be in this type of corporate setting where His presence flows. But don't forget to make sure you invite His presence into your heart. He seeks that personal connection with you! Without it, those praises and songs are just words. And furthermore, it's always in those times when I am alone in His presence that I loudly hear Him and clearly see Him. Every promise I have ever received from the Lord has been when I am filled up with His presence, seeking Him out and having my own time of worship and praise with Him.

Don't just be in God's presence...make sure it is in you too!

Check out the Jesus Culture Awakening tonight and tomorrow live online. It's an amazing event and I know God is up to something!

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