Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1 Peter 2:2-3

Good morning!

1 Peter 2:2-3: Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

I thought this was a good follow up to yesterday's verse. Now that you are seeking after God and you have tasted His goodness, it's hard not to keep wanting more! Every 3 hours my newborn babies were hungry and once they got the hang of drinking, they loved their milk! It fed them, filled them, nourished them, and grew them (too quick in my opinion!). Once I tasted all of God's goodness, I craved more and more! And just like a baby, I began to grow and mature. I started to speak and ask questions. I started walking down the paths He is leading me on and now I can run and dance in the blessings He has given me. We can't stay babies forever...we must grow and become what God sees we can be. But it all starts with that pure spiritual milk that gets us hooked. God knows when you are ready to move to more solid foods so just keep drinking! I think I am just now on Stage 2 baby foods, slowly eating more as my appetite is getting bigger. One day I'll be sitting at a table with Him, enjoying the richest of foods in celebration! So I have a long way to go but that is the fun part.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Psalm 34:4-5, 8, 10

Good morning!

Psalm 34:4-5: I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Taste and see that the LORD is good. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

For a few years now, when I have prayed for wisdom or help in some area of my life, God has always answered me..."See Me, Seek Me." I really thought I was so when this kept coming to my mind, I realized I must not be doing a very good job if He had to keep telling me over and over again! I am a little slow sometimes!

I thought if I was praying everyday then I was seeking after Him. That wasn't exactly the case. Giving Him 5 minutes in the morning is not what I call seeking the Lord. So, I started studying more, memorizing Scripture, listening to other preachers, filling my head and my heart with all things God. My fears faded and I felt stronger and able to face anything that came my way. I imagine I am much more radiant now since God's Word brings such joy to my heart. The more you seek after Him on a daily basis, the more you find yourself being filled to the brim with goodness. You begin to see God everywhere and in everything and you really can see that the Lord is good.

Once I started seeking more and more after Him, He started saying "See Me, Seek Me" out of the blue, while I wasn't praying. I thought that odd until I realized why. The first time I heard this out of the blue was on my way down to my Grandma's house for Christmas a few years ago, where we learned that she was ill and ended up being diagnosed with cancer. All of our family was shocked and came together to pray for her. I remembered what God told me on the way down there and realized He was trying to warn me. If it weren't for that warning, I may have been terribly frightened and unable to pray effectively. But I knew God was in control and was thankful that He gave me a heads up.

He has said that to me several times after that and it always is followed with something or someone to pray for. When I hear that from Him, I start seeking and wait for His answers! I love The Message version of this so I will end with that. Have a great week everyone!

God met me more than halfway, he freed me from my anxious fears. Look at him; give him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from him. Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Young lions on the prowl get hungry, but God-seekers are full of God.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Psalm 84:10, 12

Good morning!

Psalm 84:10,12: Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.

Do you have a special place where you like to get alone with God? Is there a particular spot where you had an encounter with God, were changed, and no other place feels as special to you? The first house Kris and I bought together was a little 1400 sq. foot, 3 bedroom house, big enough for us and Buster! I really loved that house, mostly because of the room in the front of the house that I called the pink room. It was my room, and I decorated it with a shabby chic flair! I painted the walls a brownish-pink, antique iron bed, and cute accessories. It was perfect! I used to love to lay on the bed in there, look out the window and listen to the huge tree that was in the front yard sway in the wind. I spent a lot of time in that room. I prayed a lot and studied a lot. It was where I could get alone with God, and for some reason, I felt closer to Him in there. I went through a lot in that house and God was there with me through it all. He stayed with me in there, gave me visions, spoke words of wisdom to me, held my hand and dried my tears. I'll never forget that room and all that God did with me in that room. It is sacred to me and even though it's been years since I've lived in that house and I have traveled to many exotic places since, better was one day in the pink room than thousands elsewhere! Nothing compares to Him! I haven't found another room like that one but that is just because I don't make the time to find it. Sure I am busy chasing around 3 toddlers but I still can find the time to enter into His courts. I urge you to find that special place where it is just you and Him. Take a weekend off from everything and everyone else and go spend time away with God. Make a room just for Him and determine to meet Him there, every time!
All of the visions and words of wisdom have come true that were spoken in the pink room. He has proven Himself faithful to me and I believe and trust Him with all of my heart. I certainly call myself...blessed!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Isaiah 30:19, 21

Good morning!

Isaiah 30:19, 21: How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

Oh I love this! It reminds me of how God always answers me and it is usually never like I thought He would! But He is always gracious when I cry out for help and He always hears me. Jesus says in the book of John, "Remain in me and I will remain in you." If you are walking with God, then you will always hear that small voice behind you, speaking to you the ways you should walk. The farther you are from God or the more you have put in front of Him, the harder it is to hear that voice. You get busy and forget to pray for awhile. All the little things in life somehow combine into one big thing and it becomes all you can focus on. Then you find yourself in trouble, lost and far away from where you started, on a road you know you shouldn't be, unable to find your way back. But oh how He is gracious when we finally cry out for help! Suddenly, you are back with Him, your ears perk up when you hear that voice again, a smile permeates your lips as the way in front of you slowly brightens. It is the right way and walking in it feels so good! I pray you never need to cry out for help, but if you do, know that God does hear you and always answers you. Listen for that sweet voice today, and start walking!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

James 4:8

Good morning!

James 4:8: Come near to God and he will come near to you.

Sometimes things in life are so bad that you can't find the words to pray. Sometimes you've prayed the same prayer over and over again and feel no closer to your answer. I've experienced both such instances in my life and the only thing I found that helps is this Scripture. There are those days when all you can do is come near to Him. He promises He will come near to you. I look back on those times in my life and am so thankful for them now because without them, I never would have been as close to Him as I am now. When you come to Him and He comes to you, you can't help but come away changed. And I am sure that has been His intent all along.