Thursday, June 11, 2009

Isaiah 46:4

Good morning!

Isaiah 46:4: Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

I imagine by the time I am old with a head full of gray hairs, I will be able to look back on my life and see it filled with many mountains and valleys. Great high points and blessings and just as many low points and tragedies. Joy and suffering. Happiness and pain. Through it all, through everything, God is there to sustain us. He supports us and supplies us with all that we need to make it through. He nourishes us and prolongs us. He bears with us so that we can handle the journey through the valleys and celebrates with us when we make it to the top of the mountain!

You are His creation that He loves and takes pride in. If you take the time to make something yourself, with your own hands, it is special to you and you will do anything to make sure it is safe! Well God took the time to create you and bring you into this world. He doesn't do that and then just leave you. He carries you and transfers you from one place to another while continually supporting you. He sustains the weight and burden of all that life has to throw at you while at the same time comforting you and keeping you going. And most importantly, He rescues you from all danger, from yourself, from Hell. No longer are you a are free!

I used to hate the idea of me getting old. But now, it doesn't seem so bad!

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