Friday, May 15, 2009

Ephesians 6:18

Good afternoon!

Ephesians 6:18: And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

If you ever questioned before if prayer works or why you should pray when God already knows the answers, then this is the Scripture for you. With all your armor on, standing firm, His command is for you to pray on all occasions, about any and every need. You see, sometimes we go to pray without all our tools that we need. We forget to strap our belts of truth on, we leave our breastplate behind, our helmets are loose and falling off, are feet are bare and vulnerable, and we are defenseless without our shield and sword. I imagine it's like a kid in a candy store to the enemy. Seeing you with all your needs, yet you are praying without your armor on to protect you.

I want my prayers to make a difference. I want them to be powerful and to move mountains. I want to speak truth over situations and connect in my heart with the ones I am praying for. I want to hold my head up high as a child of God and step forward in faith as His peace carries me. The more I pray the more my faith grows. My shield is protecting me as I wield that sword in the name of Jesus!

With all this in mind, be alert! I remember when my dad was teaching me to drive. He was obnoxiously persistent that I learned to use my mirrors. He was insistent that not only was I to be focused on the road ahead of me but everyone else around me. Use my peripherals. Notice what the other person on the side of you is doing. I not only had to do my job but keep my eye on everyone else.

It is the same way in our walk in a world full of enemies. No we shouldn't live in fear, pessimistically thinking everything is going to turn out bad or that something awful is going to happen. We need to live our lives and live them abundantly! But we must be alert, always aware of what is going on in the unseen. We need to be ready when that day of evil comes. And we must keep praying for our family, our friends, are brothers and sisters around the world.

Our instructions are clear: Put on the full armor of God, and take your stand against the devil's schemes. Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of requests. Be alert, and keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Christ.

This lesson this week has touched my heart, and I hope it has done the same for you.

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